e-Learning, more than 30 websites to learn everything you want online.
Internet or web rather a blessing for those who exploit it positively to learn new things and benefit the user in his daily life and his future. The internet as a network has become a necessity that cannot be dispensed, so this is why my dear reader I suggest you a list of the best websites and services that will help you to learn anything you want by your own at home perfectly and with no need of teacher for free. Programming, design, working on large data, foreign languages, creativity and expand your horizons in the fields where you are not specialized in.
Formations Online:
EDX: this website provide you the best trainings online from the best universities in the world.
Coursera: free trainings are given by very skilled teachers from different universities around the world.
MIT OpenCourseWare: offering a portfolio of free MIT courses to a virtual community of learners around the world. Part of edX.
Coursmos: short trainings and videos that they don't take a lot of time.
Highbrow: daily suggestions for the very beneficial trainings that it will be sent to you by mail.
Skillshare: projects and stages online to expand your horzions.
Curious: video lessons to improve your ability to do something successfully and make it professional but also to improve your interpersonal skills.
Lynda: one of the best website of e-learning that I personally admire, it offers you a leading trainings in technology field and also provide you the finest trainings in economic business and creativity.
CreativeLive: very creative free online stages that they are given by experts all over the world.
Udemy: the website gives you trainings specialized in the computer science field.
Rwaq: an arabic website for the e-Learning in arabic language of differents fields and specialities.
Codecademy: learn an effective coding like Paython, Java Script and Ruby, also a coding languages like HTML, CSS.
Stuck.io: learn coding from 0.
Udacity: trainings by Google, Facebook, AT & T, mongoDB and other big companies.
Platzi: trainings in the design, marketing and coding.
Code.org: the coding for beginners .
BaseRails: learn Ruby and other web technics .
dash: learn web-design.
dataquest: learn the sciences of database from your own navigator.
DataMonkey: improve your skills of analyzing data by playing games.
Duolingo: a free training in foreign languages.
Lingvist: language training program for 200 hours.
Bustuu: a community of users who want to learn a new language.
Memrise: a method to memorize wrods and sentences in any language you want to expand your vocabulary on.
TEDed: a thousands of siminars in all fields and most of them are translated.
Khan Academy: a huge library of Interactive content, of evrything you need.
Guides.co: a different evidences in diverse specialities.
Learnist: articles and videos are offered by experts in diverse fields all over the world.
Snapguide: a thousands of tips to learn how to do useful things.
Chesscademy: learn how to play chess.
Pianu: intercative learning for piano.
Yousician: learn how to play guitar and piano.
The links of the 30 websites:
EDX: https://www.edx.org/
MIT OpenCourseWare: http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm
Coursmos: https://coursmos.com/
Highbrow: http://gohighbrow.com/
Skillshare: https://www.skillshare.com/
Curious: https://curious.com/
Lynda: http://www.lynda.com/
CreativeLive: https://www.creativelive.com/
Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/
rwaq: https://www.rwaq.org/
Codecademy: https://www.codecademy.com/
Stuk.io: http://stuk.io/
Udacity: https://www.udacity.com/
Platzi: https://courses.platzi.com/
Code.org: http://code.org/
BaseRails: https://www.baserails.com/
dash: https://dash.generalassemb.ly/
dataquest: https://dataquest.io/
DataMonkey: http://datamonkey.pro/
Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/
Lingvist: https://www.lingvist.io/
Busuu: https://www.busuu.com/
Memrise: https://www.memrise.com/
TEDed: http://ed.ted.com/
Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/
Guides.co: http://guides.co/
Learnist: http://learni.st/
Snapguide: https://snapguide.com/
Chesscademy: https://www.chesscademy.com/
Pianu: https://pianu.com/
Yousician: http://get.yousician.com/
So as an e-learner and a graphic designer I believe that e-learning of design is the key of creative ideas and works due to the fact that it takes a lot of time and a huge determination to proceed it, this is why I highly recommend you to start e-learn design and make deadlines for your projects, read books or e-books of design if it is necessary to obtain the information you need, in my opinion I would like to suggest you to improve your audiovisial skills, interpersonal skills because that it will help you to get an interactive learning, I also want to add something very important in the design world in general which is the inspiration, without it no graphic designer, product designer, web designer, UX/UI designer or even a clothes designer would success and create what he has to create or design, we don't have any idea about how it s very effective for the best of everyone, the designer and the client. That's why I'm going to list you the best and the highest recommended websites to inspire yourselves for successful projects and artworks:
Behance: https://www.behance.net/
Dribbble: http://dribbble.com/
Abduzeedo: http://abduzeedo.com/
Creative Bloq: http://www.creativebloq.com/
Web design inspiration: http://www.webdesign-inspiration.