5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence
1) Stop comparing yourself to others:
“Comparison is the thief of joy “Franklin Roosevelt.We all know it, comparing yourself to others will get you nowhere !
Even though the main reason why some of us tend to do this ; stands behind a lack of self-confidence and the desire to always be ‘the one of a kind’ we're still doing it ! ,no matter what we do or how we do it ,somehow ,it's always insufficient and not good enough for us. Having a constructive critical thinking is without any doubt valuable, but being addicted to the idea of perfection can leave hidden and unsafe consequences. Sometimes COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS CAN WORK! As long as you keep a good understanding of who you are and how you want to be, it’s ok if you try to improve yourself by adapting to your personality some of the GOOD features you find in your friends; family members or just someone you know .But Stay focused on YOU !
2) Be more Outgoing & Open-minded:
You got it ! OUT GOING, you should get OUT and GO .Go to your local grocery store, to the swimming pool ,or just to the public park ; no matter where you go be always willing to smile , open your heart ,talk to anybody you meet and never forget being curious to know more about them .Did I say anybody ? In fact, YES I did J since anyone you meet knows something you don’t know, every time you meet someone you get the chance to expand your knowledge. What a great idea ^ ^?
Being a bit afraid of meeting people relies on
the fact that in the back of our minds we’ve been taught to categorize people
into two groups: The BAD people category and the GOOD people category. Now,
this sounds fake or maybe unbelievable. However, if you think about it for a
minute you’d figure it out, I mean it makes it easier for us to clearly know
who we should be hanging out with, be friends with, and those who we should
keep distance from. As you can see it’s all a safety matter! I know you’re
thinking this is not true, you don’t have to believe it, therefore I recommend
you watch this video (a lecture should I say !) . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNnIGh9g6fA&index=3&list=PL5AC912EA8168368E
So next time you find someone, go ahead and say HELLO!
3) Believe in Yourself:
Again self-confidence has something to do here, and the best way to be more confident is to set up goals and achieve them, believe me it works if you’re committed!
So next time you find someone, go ahead and say HELLO!
3) Believe in Yourself:

Again self-confidence has something to do here, and the best way to be more confident is to set up goals and achieve them, believe me it works if you’re committed!
4) Be positive:

Research reveals that negative thoughts can damage your brain and the way you think of life. Thus, focus on the positive side of things more than the negative ;you can start by making a challenge to yourself, whenever your mind starts telling you something negative ,replace it by two positive thoughts .Practice it !
Example: you wake up in the morning, you're late for a very important date, you run away without your papers,you foget your keys , you can’t find a taxi since your car is broken ,and you start thinking : But how ? could this day get any worse !
At that moment, stop right there and say :oh!what a nice sunny day ! what a lovely dinner I had yesterday .
You see! it’s very simple but has tremendous effect on your mind !

5) Enjoy Every minute of your life:
It is YOUR life and you have the right to enjoy it, don’t be afraid to get crazy or do whatever you want; life is about having a hell of a time!